
Sustainable Aviation responds to the Government’s Jet Zero Strategy publication

Responding to the Government’s Jet Zero Strategy publication, Chair of Sustainable Aviation Matt Gorman said:

“With the world’s third largest aviation network and a proud history of aviation innovation, the UK is in a prime position to lead the global transition to a Jet Zero future.

Today’s strategy and pledges by Jet Zero Council members are a significant milestone on the path to achieving this ambition, recognising that aviation can grow sustainably with the right support.

We are pleased to see a strategy focussed on supporting the technologies that will deliver this ambition. We look forward to working with government on the commercialisation and scale-up of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) in the UK, investment in technology including zero-emission aircraft, delivery of critical airspace modernisation and supporting carbon removal technologies.

We hope this will include policy support to quickly deliver a mandate and the right commercial incentives to enable investment in SAF plants here in the UK whilst ensuring the wider technology solutions are developed and implemented.”

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Responding to the Government’s Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) funding announcement, Chair of Sustainable Aviation Matt Gorman said:

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